Media Mentions February 2022
The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from Division of the Humanities faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.
“Archaeologists seek out mystery behind 500-year-old 'spines on sticks'”
National Geographic
Nené Lozada (Romance Languages and Literatures) contends that South American indigenous communities tried to reconstruct their personhood, identity, and resistance after Spanish colonizers looted their burial grounds.
“Thinking Without Banisters”
The New York Review
D.N. Rodowick (Cinema and Media Studies) examines Hannah Arendt's life, work, and her ideas about allowing our own judgments to be affected and transformed by those of others.
“How Yiddish Scholars Are Rescuing Women’s Novels From Obscurity”
The New York Times
Jessica Kirzane (Germanic Studies) sheds light on the lives and ideas of nearly forgotten women writers from the early-20th century by translating their books for the first time from Yiddish to English.
“The Eros Monster”
Harper Magazine
Agnes Callard (Philosophy) investigates the meaning of Eros and the complexity of human relationships in relation to thought, superstition, and social norms.