Media Mentions

Media Mentions February 2022

The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from Division of the Humanities faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

“Archaeologists seek out mystery behind 500-year-old 'spines on sticks'”
National Geographic
Nené Lozada (Romance Languages and Literatures) contends that South American indigenous communities tried to reconstruct their personhood, identity, and resistance after Spanish colonizers looted their burial grounds.

“Thinking Without Banisters”
The New York Review
D.N. Rodowick (Cinema and Media Studies) examines Hannah Arendt's life, work, and her ideas about allowing our own judgments to be affected and transformed by those of others.

“How Yiddish Scholars Are Rescuing Women’s Novels From Obscurity”
The New York Times
Jessica Kirzane (Germanic Studies) sheds light on the lives and ideas of nearly forgotten women writers from the early-20th century by translating their books for the first time from Yiddish to English.

“The Eros Monster”
Harper Magazine
Agnes Callard (Philosophy) investigates the meaning of Eros and the complexity of human relationships in relation to thought, superstition, and social norms.

Media Mentions January 2022

The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from Division of the Humanities faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

“Why Buster Keaton is today's most influential actor”
Tina Post (English Language and Literature) points out that Buster Keaton “couples a blank expression with a bodily endurability,” which is similar to the American construction of Blackness.

Media Mentions December 2021

The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from the Division of the Humanities faculty, students, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

The Lives They Lived: Lauren Berlant
The New York Times Magazine 
Journalist Jane Hu remembers the impact Lauren Berlant (English Language and Literature, 1957–2021) had on helping generations of scholars understand how popular culture and everyday civic life are driven by some of their most private—and often painful—desires.

Michael K. Bourdaghs: A Fictional Commons: Natsume Soseki and the Properties of Modern Literature
New Books Network: New Books in Japanese Studies Podcast 
Michael K. Bourdaghs (East Asian Languages and Civilizations) examines how literature is an inherently shared experience, which emerges through coming together into a single stream of consciousness.

COVID makes us want to see the future. Too bad we’re not good at it
Toronto Star 
Agnes Callard (Philosophy) discusses how COVID diverts our attention from the present to the future, where we "fall into a frenzy of prediction."

Augusta Read Thomas, composer
The Samuel Andreyev Podcast 
Augusta Read Thomas (Music) talks about how she integrates her work and life to achieve such consistently high-quality work at such a prolific pace as a composer, teacher, and mentor.

Media Mentions November 2021

The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from the Division of the Humanities faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

“‘Something Good—Negro Kiss’: Solving Its Historical Mystery and How to Account for ‘Lost’ Black

Allyson Nadia Field (Cinema and Media Studies) is quoted in an article about how lost Black film
pioneers are getting the reevaluation they deserve.

A Discussion with University of Chicago Professor Alain Bresson, PhD
Hellenic Hive (Podcast)
Alain Bresson (Classics) examines the significance of coinage and the economy in ancient Greece.

I’m Proud to Be Trans—but For Now Want to Feel Invisible
The Daily Beast
C. Riley Snorton (English Language and Literature) comments on trans identity and being "stealth."

Library of Congress Appoints 44 Experts to National Film Preservation Board
News from the Library of Congress
Jacqueline Stewart (Cinema and Media Studies) is chairing the National Film Preservation Board, while Allyson Nadia Field (Cinema and Media Studies) also is serving on the Board.
