Media Mentions October 2022
The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from Division of the Humanities faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook for more updates.
Looking (and Looking Again) at Black Film History
Library of Congress
Allyson Nadia Field (Cinema and Media Studies) and Cara Cadoo (Indiana University) discovered the earliest surviving fragment of Black-produced cinema—made four years before the earliest known surviving footage.
Local Color on View in Show About Modernism and Monochromatic Art
Christine Mehring (Art History) featured in this video about Monochrome Multitudes, an exhibition she co-curated, now open at the Smart Museum of Art.
Seven poems that make you stop and appreciate Chicago
WBEZ Chicago
Rachel DeWoskin (English Language and Literature) was invited to the WBEZ studios to read her poem "chance, chicago," which was included in the poetry anthology “Wherever I’m At.”
The Literary Aesthetic and Reading for the Other
The Wire
Martha C. Nussbaum (Law and Philosophy) and Sianne Ngai (English Language and Literature) are mentioned in this article about literary aesthetics, literary studies, literature's possibilities and what it can shape or generate.