Dissertation Research Travel Grants
Dissertation Research Travel Grants 2025-26
Application deadline: April 30, 2025
The Humanities Division provides limited funding for students who plan to travel to conduct dissertation research. A student may only receive a Dissertation Research Travel Grant once in their graduate career and the grants are not renewable.
The funding for these grants comes from several endowments, some which have no limitations regarding student department, area of research, or location, and others, such as the ones below, have a more specific focus:
* Arnaldo Momigliano Dissertation Research Travel Award provides dissertation research travel awards for students in Classics, Philosophy, and NELC
* Biamonte Fellowship Fund provides students with support to study various forms of art (visual, musical, theatrical) in Italy.
* Robert Christy Fellowship Fund provides support for research projects and travel grants to graduate students studying East Asian Art. Students are not required to be ABD to receive the fellowship and may be in the pre-dissertation writing stage.
Funding from these grants is extremely limited. Students may receive up to $5,000. Students should first apply for travel grants from departments and centers (e.g., Nicholson, France Chicago, CEAS, CAEA, COSAS) before requesting these funds.
Dissertation Research Travel Grant Parameters:
Applicants will be awarded funds based on their specific travel and financial needs, the quality and feasibility of their projects, in addition to other academic qualifications. If a student's research needs can be met in Regenstein Library, funding from these grants will not be possible.
Students who have previously done research at the location for which they are applying must explain why a return trip is necessary to complete their research, and they must ask their recommender to comment on their explanation.
These grants are not intended for pre-dissertation survey trips with the exception of the Robert Christy Fellowship.
Many of these funds come from endowed accounts, and the Development Office may seek out information about your research travel and dissertation preparation following receipt of the grant.
If a student is unable to conduct their research travel as planned, they must inform the Dean of Students office immediately. In those situations, travel funds may need to be repaid regardless of circumstance or alternative travel plans may need to be arranged with the approval of the Dean of Students Office.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Admission to candidacy before disbursement of the award*.
2. Begin research at location no earlier than the start of Summer Quarter 2025.
3. Complete research at location no later than end of Spring Quarter 2026.
*Robert Christy Fellowship funding does not require ABD status.
All materials should be emailed to humdos@uchicago.edu no later than April 30, 2025. Announcements of the winners will be made in mid May 2025. Each application must include:
1. A completed application form which includes a statement, itinerary, and budget.
2. One letter of recommendation which should be from the chair of the student's dissertation committee.
3. If the student will be consulting either individuals or archives that have limited access, the student must also provide confirmation that these resources will be available to them.
4. A curriculum vitae (CV).
5. Transcripts will provided by the Dean of Students office.
Anyone traveling as part of the Dissertation Research Travel Grant MUST register with UChicago Traveler prior to departure.
If you have questions about this application process, please email humdos@uchicago.edu.