UChicago Humanities Division Centers Awarded $4.5 Million in U.S. Government Grants

The University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS), and Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), two of the longest established interdisciplinary centers on campus, have been awarded a total of more than $4.5 million by the U.S. Department of Education from 2022 to 2026.
The Centers received grants from Title VI of the Higher Education Act (International Education Programs), have been designated a National Resource Center, and will administer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships to support the advanced study of modern, less commonly taught languages and international and area studies from their respective regions.
This funding will support multiple activities on campus, as well as K-16 outreach initiatives, including professional development opportunities for educators and promotion of global, co-curricular activities with local schools, community colleges, and minority-serving institutions. Title VI-funded educational outreach will also deepen the University' of Chicago's relationships with educational and cultural institutions throughout Chicago, especially on the South Side.
During the next four years, these grant will enhance the Centers' efforts to promote teaching, research, interdisciplinary scholarship, and greater public understanding of East Asia and the Middle East. Learn more about the CEAS and CMES.