Meet the Staff: Abbey Newman

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Abbey Newman
Associate Director
Center for East Asian Studies
What do you like most about your job?
I truly enjoy engaging with such a wide array of students, faculty, staff, scholars, educators, artists, and colleagues. There is never a dull moment when you are facilitating research, study, outreach, and public events that help foster a greater understanding of East Asia. I feel very fortunate to work as part of an amazing team.
What was the last good book you read?
I guess reading Sponge Bob comics with my daughter would not be the answer you are looking for? I have had more time for reading during the pandemic. I actually picked up a real, physical book after who knows how many years and would highly recommend Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters by Mark Dunn. It is both hilarious and moving as it follows the fight for freedom of expression on the fictional island of Nollop, named after the author of the immortal phrase containing all the letters of the alphabet, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." All starts to run amok when the increasingly totalitarian island council starts to ban the use of letters that fall off a memorial statue of Nollop.
You might work with me if ...
…you need information about faculty, activities, grants and fellowships, outreach, and resources related to China, Japan, and Korea studies. I think one of the many "hats" I wear is "bridge-builder." The Center for East Asian Studies is also a frequent co-sponsor of many activities both on- and off-campus.
What’s your favorite thing about Chicago during the Holiday season?
My family and I enjoy seeing the lights all around town. There is something so festive and special about taking the time to go view them as a family in different parts of the city. Even a simple walk in Hyde Park becomes a light-filled adventure.
What hobbies, places, or projects are you looking forward to exploring in the new year?
My family is exploring options to adopt two guinea pigs from a local rescue. While we know it will be a good lesson in care and responsibility for our daughter, the truth is, I just love those silly, little, furry potatoes!