Meet the Staff: Zespo

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Program Coordinator, Open Practice Committee
Department of Visual Arts
What do you like most about your job?
I enjoy hosting our visiting speakers the most. The day begins with me driving and picking them up from their hotel and arriving at the Logan Center by 9 a.m., giving us enough time to have a coffee or a tea right before they begin their studio visits with the MFA students. Around midday, the guest and I will head to either Salonica, Plein Air, or the food trucks on Ellis. The conversation is always friendly, and lunch is always on me. We then transition back to Logan Center and start preparing for the evening lecture. Sometimes setting up the audio/visual equipment for the presentation can get stressful, but we always find a way to be ready for the 6 p.m. start time. Once the lecture is finished, our guest and the DoVA students are provided with drinks and a catered dinner, usually Gorditas La Tia Susy or Giordano's Pizza. The informal hangout is always a satisfying ending to everyone's long day.
What was the last good book you read?
The Femicide Machine by Sergio González Rodríguez.
You might work with me if ...
… you'd like to cross-promote upcoming events with the DoVA community, or if you would like to collaborate on a potential visiting artist's lecture.
What tv series are you currently binge watching?
HBO's "The Wire"