Meet the Staff: Lex Nalley

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Lex Nalley
Department Administrator, Department of English Language and Literature
Office: Walker 420
What do you like most about your job?
I like that my work supports the scholarship of so many interesting and dynamic people whose work I admire. It’s really fun to hear about the fascinating projects our faculty and students are working on and I’ve enjoyed getting to know our people over the years. I love putting together departmental events and getting to meet the very people who informed my own thinking when I was a student. Most of all, the staff of this department are so creative, industrious, and really fun people to be around— I’ve made some good friends at the University.
What was the last good book you read?
I've been on sort of a creepy book kick lately. I just finished The Bird’s Nest by Shirley Jackson. I was reading the biography, Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin, but had to put it down to read more of Jackson’s work to avoid any spoilers. I read way too many books at a time but I think it’s sort of like changing channels on TV.
You might work with me if you need.. cross-listing courses with English, reserving any of our rooms, transferring funds for conferences, advertising events, or any other operational business. If you are in need of a dog break during the day, I have a big goofy poodle in my office who would love to meet you.
What's your favorite thing to do in Chicago during the spring?
As a Californian, my favorite thing about spring in Chicago is that it’s not winter. While the aforementioned poodle and I haven’t spent a spring together yet, I’m really looking forward to playing fetch with him in actual grass on the Point (and I think he’s looking forward to playing fetch without getting a bath afterwards). My favorite thing about spring in Chicago is how everything suddenly explodes into green within a few weeks; it’s entirely invigorating.