Meet the Staff: Michael Beetley

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Michael Beetley
Assistant Dean of Students for Admissions, Dean of Students Office
Office Location: Walker 111B
What do you like most about your job?
It would have to be the people I get to work with, both my immediate colleagues in my office and staff and faculty across the division and around the University.
What was the last good book you read?
I’m currently reading, and very much enjoying, Britain’s Best Real Heritage Pubs: But Interiors for Outstanding Historical Interest. Perhaps neither a page-turner in the classic sense, nor a thought-provoking exposé, but seriously: anything that can bring together beer, architecture, and history is well worth the reading.
You might work with me if you need... with visiting graduate students. If a faculty member wants to have a PhD student from another institution come to do research here, that goes through me along with all the degree-program admissions processes.
Since we’re close to Valentine’s Day, do you have a favorite romantic comedy?
I have to mention a TV series rather than a movie here, a BBC program from the 90s and early 2000s called “As Time Goes By.” It stars Judy Dench and Geoffrey Palmer as a couple who met in the 1950s; fell in love; lost track of each other when he was posted to Korea; meet again in the 1990s; and find a way to start again. Funny, sweet, and has moments scattered throughout that will get you right there.