
Frank E. Reynolds, Leading Scholar of Buddhism and Revered Teacher, 1930-2019

Frank E. Reynolds

Prof. Emeritus Frank E. Reynolds, who died on Jan. 9 at age 88, was a leading expert in Theravada Buddhism, a religion predominantly practiced in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. He is remembered not only for his lasting impact on the field, but for his work as a teacher and mentor during his 34 years on the UChicago faculty.

Eric Slauter Discusses Solitude in America for a BackStory Podcast

Eric Slauter

Division of the Humanities Deputy Dean and Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature Eric Slauter discusses the history of solitude in America in a recent BackStory podcast. He contends yearning for solitude is integral to American culture and provides examples from Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison.

David Wellbery to Receive the Golden Goethe Medal

David Wellbery

Through his interdisciplinary approach to analyzing the work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, David E. Wellbery has transformed scholarly understanding of a pivotal cultural period in Europe surrounding the dawn of the 19th century. In recognition of his groundbreaking research, Wellbery will receive the Golden Goethe Medal from the Goethe Society on June 13, 2019, at the National Theater in Weimar, Germany. “During the last decades David Wellbery’s scholarship has transformed our understanding of Goethe’s work in fundamental ways,” said Daniel Diermeier, Provost at the University of Chicago. “The Golden Goethe Medal is a wonderful recognition of his seminal contribution.”
