Meet the Staff: Joshua Stapleton

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We’ll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
What do you like most about your job?
I love being able to help those in need of financially related information. Another one of my true passions lies within customer service. I enjoy helping faculty and staff solve issues and making someone’s day when presented the opportunity. My position seamlessly combines the two, so it is a pleasure to assist those in the Division every day.
What was the last good book you read?
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle. So many of us find ourselves stuck in the past or future instead of simply just enjoying the moment and living in the now. This book helps readers to become more aware of the present instead of losing themselves in worry and anxiety about the past or future. Another classic I try to read once a year is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I enjoy the aspects of financial freedom it presents. One of my favorite quotes from the book is “The starting point of all achievement is desire.” If you want something badly enough, you will most certainly get it.
You might work with me if …
… you have questions on creating ePayments, GEMS reports, BuySite requests, and check and wire deposits as well as certain grant tasks.
What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?
To never give yourself limits. What you think may be the ceiling of your life can turn out to be the floor. With enough discipline and hard work not even the sky is the limit!