Meet the Staff: Bridget Madden

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Bridget Madden
Associate Director, Visual Resources Center
Department of Art History
What do you like most about your job?
I like that I get to work with students and faculty to collaboratively develop image collections that meet their teaching and research needs through our Luna image database. This could mean digitizing images from a recently published catalog, or it could involve heading out with a camera to photograph a public art installation right here on campus. I also really enjoy working with students who have questions about how VRC services and resources can support their research and learning.
What was the last good book you read?
I recently read and loved Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. It's the kind of book that made me forget to get off at the right CTA line stop on my way home more than once.
You might work with me if you...
…need anything related to images. The VRC can digitize images for teaching and research, and provide help to instructors and their students on finding and using images. We can even provide some advice on copyright and permissions for publications. If your faculty or graduate students have any questions about working with images, please send them our way!
What’s your favorite thing about fall?
Roasting vegetables! I try to bring homemade lunches to work that are inexpensive and delicious. Roasting vegetables is great for that, but definitely not something I want to do during warm weather.