Media Mentions September 2023

Media Mentions September 2023

The latest media mentions, quotes, profiles, and writings from Division of the Humanities faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Visit us on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook for more updates.

Ethnomusikologe: "Jüdische Musik war im Jazz besonders einflussreich"
Der Standard
Philip V. Bohlman (Music) discusses the history of migration and the lens of nationalism in Vienna and how it influenced Jewish cabaret culture. Der Standard recognizes Prof. Bohlman as a leading ethnomusicologist with expertise in Jewish and European musical culture.

Ben Lerner, a Poet/Novelist, Builds a Dream House of Words
The New York Times
Srikanth "Chicu" Reddy (English Language and Literature), reviews novelist/poet Ben Lerner's latest book "The Lights." Reddy analyzes Lerner's return to prose/poems, highlighting the multiple literary personalities in the book, and its use of the symbols and characters, verses, and conversations.

Agnes Callard Critiques Liberal Political Fictions at Lecture and Boasts Large Audience at Swarthmore’s Inaugural “Night Owls” Event
The Phoenix
At the inaugural "Night Owls" event at Swarthmore College, Agnes Callard (Philosophy) argued, among other things, that humans created political fictions to mitigate the trouble of living together. A modern-day example is the "liberalism triad" of "free speech," "fighting injustice," and "egalitarianism," which Socrates would have seen as invalid.

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October 3, 2023