How Jewish Refuges Found a Wartime Home in Shanghai

Karin Zacharias (right) and her brother Hans Peter Zacharias, pictured in 1941 on the day of his bar mitzvah in Shanghai.

Asst. Prof. Rachel DeWoskin has visited Shanghai every summer for nearly a decade, walking along streets that more than 18,000 Jewish refugees once called home. Her years of research culminated in the January publication of Someday We Will Fly, her fictionalized account of a young Jewish girl fleeing war-torn Poland. In writing her novel, DeWoskin also relied in part on the family possessions of UChicago staff psychiatrist Jacqueline Pardo, whose German mother Karin Pardo (née Zacharias) lived in Shanghai as a child. A selection of those objects and photographs are displayed on the third floor of Regenstein Library.

Register Today for the 2019 Berlin Family Lectures: Award-Winning Author Teju Cole

Teju Cole by Stephanie Mitchell

During the course of three lectures focused on "Coming to Our Senses" in UChicago's Logan Performance Hall, acclaimed author, critic, and photographer Teju Cole explores what it means to be a sensing being. Through personal accounts and literary examples, Cole will examine how the physical senses—and not only the traditional five of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch—inform our experiences, open us up to epiphany, and shape our ethics. Register for the three lectures April 8, 15, and 22 today.

Gates Cambridge Scholar to Study Science Behind Art Conservation

Ellen Purdy

Ellen Purdy has always been passionate about art, inspired by childhood trips to the museum, but the fourth-year student wasn’t sure how to incorporate that lifelong interest into her chemistry coursework. It wasn’t until she studied abroad in Spain—and learned about the science behind art conservation—that her unique academic path began to take shape.
