Meet the Staff: Dawn Brennan

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Dawn Brennan
Department Administrator, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Office: Wieboldt 301
What do you like most about your job?
The people I work with. How many can say about their job that everyone they work with is smart and interesting and kind?
What was the last good book you read?
I just reread Barchester Towers for the third time. I think it’s Trollope’s funniest novel, with the funniest characters, the Stanhopes, and the Reverend Mr. Slope.
You might work with me if you...
…have questions about EALC, courses, or if you are interested in co-sponsoring an event…
When you're not at work, what kinds of projects do you like to take on?
Outside of the office I work as an artist. I usually teach at least one course per quarter at the Hyde Park Art Center. I’ve also taught workshops at various places including the Art Institute and Harold Washington Library. Students in the fashion department at Columbia College will be producing and marketing a t-shirt with my artwork on it, coming out next fall.